
Showing posts from June, 2019

Mechanical men

There are too many mechanical churchmen, in all the denominations. Every question has a pat answer, every objection a tart rejoinder. If you are like that, living by canned arguments and conventionalisms, consider this. You could easily be replaced by a simple machine where button A gets response A-prime.  A platitude machine would be an easy project for any programmer beyond the second year of course work. God created something in you that is rather better, for you have the ability to turn halfway about to stand alongside a questioner rather than confronting him face to face. Slowly, then, as you talk you turn toward the light.

High hopes

It is my hope that all the believers who remain steadfast, despite the times, will seek godly unity with and among all other true believers. We are all in this together and are stronger together than separated. Several things will need to happen. We will need to stop treating Christ's New Commandment as a footnote in the faith and treat it instead as a matter of highest priority. (John 13: 33-35, 15: 12-17, 17:11, 20-23).) Really loving and caring about one another is a difficult calling which we too frequently dodge. But we will need to take up the challenge and apply it across denominational boundaries. The scriptures tell us how to serve the brethren in practical ways that express godly love, so let's see that as guidance and a challenge.   We will need to take seriously what Jesus taught us about calling one another raca and fool . We easily judge those who do not see things just as we do as blameworthy, but there is a certain injustice about that. Do you see with p